2020 IREA RFP Update:
The RFP Administrator has decided to extend the Submission of Proposals deadline from 07/24/2020 to 07/31/2020. Updates to the timeline are as follows:
Open Period for Submission of Proposals | 6/27/2020 – 7/31/2020 |
Proposals (Appendices) Deadline at 5:00 p.m. MST | 7/31/2020 |
Bid Screening and Analysis Period | 8/3/2020 – 8/21/2020 |
Notification of RFP Shortlist | 9/8/2020 |
Contact Finalist Bidders and Begin Mutually Agreeable Term Sheet Discussions | 1/15/2021 |
2020 IREA RFP Documents
IREA 2020 Long-Term RFP
IREA Peak Forecast and Capacity Need Assessment
Power Purchase Agreement Evaluation Form for Non-Renewable Designated Generation Resources
Power Purchase Agreement Evaluation Form for Energy Storage Resources and Renewable Designated Generation Resources
Power Purchase Agreement Evaluation Form for Partial-Requirements
Power Purchase Agreement Evaluation Form for Firm Liquidated Damages Energy and Capacity
Power Purchase Agreement Evaluation Form for Ancillary Services Products
Power Purchase Agreement Evaluation Form for Call Option Products
Confidentiality Agreement
Bidder Registration Form
Desired Contract Terms
2020 IREA RFP Schedule
Issue Final Version of 2020 Long-Term RFP | 6/16/2020 |
Q&A Substantive RFP Issues (email) | 6/16/2020 – 7/24/2020 |
Open Period for submission of Bidder Registration Forms | 6/16/2020 – 6/26/2020 |
Deadline for Submission of Bidder Registration Forms (Appendix D) at 5:00 p.m. MST | 6/26/2020 |
Open Period for Submission of Proposals (Updated) | 6/27/2020 – 7/31/2020 |
Proposals (Appendices) Deadline at 5:00 p.m. MST (Updated) | 7/31/2020 |
Bid Screening and Analysis Period (Updated) | 8/3/2020 – 8/21/2020 |
Notification of RFP Shortlist (Updated) | 9/8/2020 |
Contact Finalist Bidders and Begin Mutually Agreeable Term Sheet Discussions(Updated) | 1/15/2021 |
Questions and Responses
Responses to all questions submitted to [email protected] will be provided below
All questions and responses will posted under the FAQ section on acespower.com/IREA2020RFP
Responses to questions will be provided as soon as practical. Response times will vary depending upon the complexity of the question.
No. If IREA and the RFP Administrator identify interest in your proposal during the Bid Screening and Analysis Period, the RFP Administrator will reach out to bidders that submitted non-binding pricing and request updated binding pricing during the Bid Screening and Analysis Period prior to the Notification of RFP Shortlist. Bidders that elect to submit non-binding pricing will not be immediately disqualified, but this condition will be a factor of consideration in the selection process.
Yes, IREA would consider resources smaller than the minimum threshold; however, the capacity size of the unit will factor into the criteria for selection.
Yes, upon full execution of a Non-Disclosure Agreement, the RFP administrator will be able to send a JPG version of the map to those who request it.
Network Resources shall include all generation owned, purchased or leased by the Network Customer designated to serve Network Load under a Pro Forma Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT). Pursuant to Section 30.3, of the OATT, all or part of such generation associated with a NERC registered Point of Receipt, behind which there are no constraints, may be treated as a single Network Resource. Network Resources may not include resources, or any portion thereof, that are committed for sale to non-designated third party load or otherwise cannot be called upon to meet the Network Customer’s Network Load on a non-interruptible basis, except for purposes of fulfilling obligations under a reserve sharing program. Any owned or purchased resources that were serving the Network Customer’s loads under firm agreements entered into on or before the Service Commencement Date shall initially be designated as Network Resources until the Network Customer terminates the designation of such resources.
Network Resources shall include all generation owned, purchased or leased by the Network Customer designated to serve Network Load under a Pro Forma Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT). Pursuant to Section 30.3 of the OATT, all or part of such generation associated with a NERC registered Point of Receipt, behind which there are no constraints, may be treated as a single Network Resource. Network Resources may not include resources, or any portion thereof, that are committed for sale to non-designated third party load or otherwise cannot be called upon to meet the Network Customer’s Network Load on a non-interruptible basis, except for purposes of fulfilling obligations under a reserve sharing program. Any owned or purchased resources that were serving the Network Customer’s loads under firm agreements entered into on or before the Service Commencement Date shall initially be designated as Network Resources until the Network Customer terminates the designation of such resources.
In section 3.5, Power Purchase Agreement Proposals for Partial-Requirements, proposals shall be able to provide partial-requirements as defined below. “Partial-Requirements Obligation” means supplying 100% of the firm requirements to meet IREA’s hourly real-time load obligation not met by scheduling IREA’s existing resources and supplying the balance of resources needed to meet instantaneous real-time load plus reserves.
In section 3.6, Power Purchase Agreement Proposals for Firm with Liquidated Damages Energy and Capacity, are blocks as defined in Schedule P: Products and Related Definitions of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Master Power Purchase & Sale Agreement or Western Systems Power Pool Agreement WSPP Schedule C.
Pricing for this RFP should be priced based on the term offered in the product. Since IREA is requesting proposals starting after January 1, 2026, all pricing should be for 2026 or later.
IREA does not have a preference of how much generation is split between different sources; however, IREA would like to meet or exceed Colorado’s 80% CO2 reductions by 2030 and 100% carbon free goal by 2050.
Yes, IREA would be open to negotiating credit requirements for selected transactions.
Once a mutually agreeable Term Sheet is approved by both parties, IREA would present at the next available board meeting, a Board Resolution to approve contracting. Final contracting is tentatively expected to happen in the first quarter of 2021.
No, ultimate decisions from this RFP will be solely made by IREA’s Board of Directors.
No, IREA would like to meet or exceed Colorado’s 80% CO2 reductions by 2030 and 100% carbon free goal by 2050.
Yes, IREA will consider unit contingent offers at any of the Points of Delivery listed in Figure 3.
Once a mutually agreeable Term Sheet is approved by both parties, IREA would present at their next available board meeting a Board Resolution to approve contracting. Final contracting is tentatively expected to happen in the first quarter of 2021.
No, there is no minimum agreement term length for PPAs from designated generation resources.
Yes, IREA would be willing to provide upon receipt of the Confidentiality Agreement (Appendix C).
There are no requirements for any of this information to be provided in the RFP document and appendices; however, company overviews, subject matter expert professional biographies, project lists, audited financials, and references will be beneficial.
A “Wrap” Product is an Hour-Ending (HE) Product 6×8 + 1×24 (HE1-HE6 & HE23-HE24 PPT + HE1-HE24 for Sundays and Holidays). An eight-hour period, either 6×8 or 7×8, is defined as HE1-HE6 & HE23-HE24 PPT.
No, IREA does not have a preference. IREA will consider projects interconnected to IREA’s system as long as they do not require a significant capital upgrade.
Proposals and contract prices should include transmission charges necessary to deliver energy to the designated point of delivery. IREA will be a Network Customer entity receiving transmission service pursuant to the terms of the Transmission Provider’s Network Integration Transmission Service under Part III of the PSCO Tariff.
No, credit support costs should not be included in bids. Bidder credit worthiness will be evaluated separately.
IREA will utilize a portfolio model to evaluate proposals. Although a draft PPA or a summary term sheet are not required at the time of submittal, bidders are encouraged to submit such documentation.
No, the energy supplied at a point of delivery does not have to be sourced at that POD. Yes, energy provided at the point of delivery may be supplied by one or more sources.
Yes; however, bidders have the option to submit non-binding pricing, but this needs to be identified at the time of submittal. If IREA and the RFP Administrator identify interest in your proposal during the Bid Screening and Analysis Period, the RFP Administrator will reach out to bidders that submitted non-binding pricing and request updated binding pricing during the Bid Screening and Analysis Period prior to the Notification of RFP Shortlist. Bidders that elect to submit non-binding pricing will not be immediately disqualified, but this condition will be a factor of consideration in the selection process.
Bidders are encouraged to submit their own forms of PPA based on the criteria identified in Appendix E (Desired Contract Terms).
Bidders are encouraged to submit their own forms of PPA based on the criteria identified in Appendix E (Desired Contract Terms). Forms of PPA are not required to be submitted by July 24, 2020; however, bidders are encouraged to submit as early as possible for this documentation to be considered in the Bid Screening and Analysis process.
No, there is no required bidder fee to submit a proposal to this RFP.
No, Partial Requirement Cost of Service PPA is not limited to bidding at market-based rates.
No, the source on the e-tag for PPAs from designated generation resources may be system supplied energy resources.
IREA would consider all non-renewable generating resources with the exception of coal resources.
No, there is no maximum term for designated generation resources.
No, there is no minimum term for energy blocks and/or partial requirements services.
The existing agreement with PSCo is filed with FERC and available via FERC’s eTariff system.
The 5-year notice provision to terminate the evergreen provision of the contract is available to both IREA and PSCo.
Regarding current rates, PSCo files an update to its estimated production rates on an annual basis in docket ER11-2853.
There are no specific scheduling or contract management services expected to be provided by a Partial Requirements supplier. Scheduling or contract management services are optional services that providers can include in conjunction with their proposals.
The expected cost, reliability, volatility, and market risk will be assessed using standard industry modeling techniques. IREA will develop a reference portfolio of resources that best fits IREA’s capacity and energy needs based on the RFP offers for different designated generation resources with a minimum of 10 MW.
Yes, interconnections to IREA or PSCO will be treated on a similar basis. IREA will seek Network Customer designation under the PSCO tariff.
IREA is open to evaluating both options.
There is no set retirement date at this time.
IREA would be willing to evaluate both options.
Please see the Northwest Power Pool Reserve Sharing Program – Section D (Reserve Requirements).
Please see Northwest Power Pool Reserve Sharing Program – Section C (Overview of Key Reserve Sharing Program Elements); C.1 – How Much Contingency Reserve a Participating Balancing Authority Must Carry (Contingency Reserve Obligation). IREA expects to purchase or self-provide its ratio share of the PSCo BA ancillary requirements.
This column is the percentage of load that is intended to be served by resource listed in the corresponding row.
IREA is expecting to see percentage of total load net of generation and resources currently contracted.
PRM stands for planning reserve margin.
IREA’s estimated greenhouse gas emissions for 2005 totaled approximately 1.61 million short tons. IREA has not adopted specific goals for the 2026-2030 time period but is evaluating options to meet or exceed an 80% reduction by 2030.
Comanche Power Plant is a 10.74 HR Subbituminous Coal unit located in the Powder River Basin.
For wind projects, the ELCC for wind is 15%. For batteries the capacity credit varies based on the number of hours of discharge. For 2-hour duration, IREA gives batteries a 50% capacity credit, however for 4-hour duration, IREA gives a batteries a 100% capacity credit.
Please utilize Appendix B-1 for your hydro project.
Please see Section 4.7 Submission of Proposals and Section 2 of Appendix B-3.
Please see Section 30.1 of the PSCO OATT.
The model utilized for this RFP gives solar resources a capacity credit of 20%.
Please reference Appendix E (Desired Contract Terms). IREA’s preference is to explore contract terms that limit their exposure to charges associated with Section 3.8 (Schedule 9) of the PSCO OATT.