Notice: The RFP policy has been revised to allow 1803 Staff to have full access to the submitted bids, including bidder identities.
Capacity Forecast
Evaluation Form for Capacity Only Products
Evaluation Form for Other Resources
Confidentiality Agreement Form
Desired Contract Terms
RFP Schedule (Updates will be posted on the 2023 Long-Term RFP website): | |
Notice to LPSC | 5/19/23 |
File Informational Filing Containing Draft 2023 Long-Term RFP | 7/5/23 |
Technical and Bidders’ Conference | 7/28/23 (9:00 a.m. Central Time) |
Bidder Comment and Q&A Period on Draft RFP | 6/29/23 – 9/26/23 |
Deadline for Bidder Comments | 9/26/23 |
LPSC Staff Files Comments | 10/06/23 |
Issue Final Version of 2023 Long-Term RFP | 10/13/23 |
Continuing Q&A on Substantive RFP Issues | 10/13/23 – 10/27/23 |
Open Period for Submission of Notice of Intent | 10/13/23 – 10/27/23 |
Deadline for Submission of Notice of Intent at 5:00 p.m. CPT | 10/27/23 |
Open Period for Submission of Proposals | 11/01/23 – 11/09/23 |
Proposals (Appendices) Deadline at 5:00 p.m. CPT | 11/09/23 |
Bid screening and analysis period begins | 11/10/23 |
Selected Bidders notified (as early as) | 2/09/24 |
Final PPA Execution (subject to LPSC approval) (as early as) | 3/05/24 |
File certificate application(s) with LPSC (as early as) | 3/05/24 |
Relevant questions and responses related to the 1803 Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2023 RFP for Long-Term Capacity and Energy Resources will be posted on this page.
Yes, as long as they are relevant to the RFP.
Responses to questions will be provided as soon as practical. Response times will vary depending upon the complexity of the question.
For capacity offers, or the capacity portion of offers, nothing further than Local Resource Zone (LRZ) 9 is required or used in the MISO market. Zone 9 is preferred, but Zones 8 and 10 will also be considered. Indications are that the Louisiana Public Service Commission (LPSC) will be issuing an order regarding physical capacity obligations of LSE’s. Identifying the physical resource supporting the ZRCs, instead of generic LRZ ZRC’s is possibly going to be a requirement of the LPSC Order.
For energy portions of offers, the preferred node would be 1803’s load node or Louisiana Hub. The 1803 load node will be created prior to the load going live. If an offer is advanced that requires further detail, that information can be provided to the selected offering entity. The 1803 load delivery points are currently part of (but do not compose the entire node) LAGN.
No. As noted on page 16 of the draft RFP:
To be considered a Network Resource for purposes of this RFP, bidder must have, or agree to obtain, a quantity of Network Resource Interconnection Service (NRIS) from MISO sufficient to allow the resource to receive sufficient ZRCs under applicable MISO rules, to allow bidder to fulfill its contracted ZRC obligations to 1803.
We require three years of audited financials to perform a credit evaluation regardless of the public or private nature of an entity. If a parent organization will provide a guarantee of a subsidiary, then we will evaluate the creditworthiness of the parent organization.
The Form of Agreement will be negotiated between the selected bidder(s) and 1803.
The confidentially agreement is Appendix C and should be submitted with the proposal.
The range of price assumptions can be found in the 1803 Integrated Resource Plan.
Charge/Discharge Cycle Loss Factor: We are looking for Round-Trip Efficiency.
Annual Battery Degradation: If the capacity is guaranteed through the life and augmentation/capacity maintenance is included in the monthly toll rate, then bidder can just enter 0% for degradation.