Evaluation Form for Thermal Generation Resources
Evaluation Form for Renewable or Renewable Plus Energy Storage Resources
Evaluation Form for Energy-Only Blocks
Evaluation Form for Firm Capacity Only
Evaluation Form for Deliverable Capacity Only
Milestone | Deadline |
RFP Issued | May 17, 2023 |
Notice of Intent to Provide Proposal Deadline (5:00 PM CPT) | May 24, 2023 |
Final Date for RFP Question Submittal | June 14, 2023 |
Phase 1 Proposal Submission Deadline (5:00 PM CPT) | Updated Deadline: Friday July 14, 2023 |
Notification of Phase 1 Results | September 7, 2023 |
Phase 2 Proposal Submission Deadline (5:00 PM CPT) | October 18, 2023 |
Notification of Phase 2 Results | December 1, 2023 |
Execution of Power Supply Agreements (Subject to Negotiation) | Q1 – Q2 2024 |
December 1
Relevant questions and responses related to the WFEC 2023 RFP for SPP Power Supply Resources will be posted on this page.
Yes, as long as they are relevant to the RFP.
Responses to questions will be provided as soon as practical. Response times will vary depending upon the complexity of the question.
Please submit separate forms for each individual project and each design.
WFEC will consider both PPA and BTA structures. Preference will be given to proposals that provide WFEC with the greatest economic, reliability, or strategic benefits.
Please provide nameplate capacity, ELCC calculation, and output profile (8760 or 12×24). Also, please indicate whether volume is firm or will vary with ELCC changes.
There is no preference, but optimal storage capacity will be calculated depending on the expected hourly output of the renewable generation.
This RFP is for wholesale power supply needs.
In the evaluation of the Proposal, WFEC will evaluate the merits of the project on both a Deliverable and Firm SPP Capacity basis.
In the evaluation of the Proposal, WFEC will evaluate the merits of the project on both a Deliverable and Firm SPP Capacity basis.
All bids must have their components delivered to a point within SPP.
WFEC sees resources located in New Mexico as being better able to meet the State’s current Renewable Portfolio Standard and possible future changes to that standard.
A.) SPP would need to provide that accreditation. The Bidder is expected to include details in their bid on how it proposes to get accreditation.
B.) While WFEC will consider all bids, any “fully registered and transactable” resources are more in keeping with concepts in this RFP. VPP turnkey system bids should include details such as maintenance of equipment and maintenance of capacity/energy.
Preference will be given to proposals that provide WFEC with the greatest economic, reliability, or strategic benefits.
Not at this time. Delivery preferences are stated in the RFP.
The preference is for SPP Firm Capacity proposals which start on June 1, 2025. In the absence of acceptable proposals, WFEC may elect to evaluate SPP Firm Capacity proposals with contract start dates other than June 1, 2025.
Not at this time. Delivery preferences are stated in the RFP.
Projects located within the systems of WFEC’s Members will be evaluated provided they meet the criteria specified in the RFP. WFEC Member’s control and govern their own systems which may add an additional considerations in evaluations.
The 300MW maximum is generally the maximum amount of accredited capacity. In this example, the 200MW wind and 200MW PV hybrid project would be acceptable.
WFEC will consider projects in Oklahoma and in the SPP region. Preference will be given to proposals that provide WFEC with the greatest economic, reliability, or strategic benefits.
Projects connected to a distribution system will be evaluated provided they meet the criteria specified in the RFP. This may add an additional considerations in evaluations.
Yes. Additional battery duration could be favorable. 4 hour min.
Yes. 50 MW is the minimum.
The “Min Capacity Guarantee” is the “floor quantity” that the bidder will guarantee the offer provides in MWs of capacity throughout the term of the offer.
It is a percentage of a theoretical resource providing full output for every hour of the year. E.g. 100 MW unit x 8,760 hours in year = 876,000 MWh. A 90% availability guarantee would guarantee the resoruce was available to produce 788,400 MWh (90%).
A bid fee is not required to participate in the RFP.
The scoring criteria for this RFP is confidential. The evaluation material can be found in section 3.2 of the RFP document.
Bidders can provide information on interconnection plans, there is not a specific threshold requirement.
No, preference will be given to proposals that provide WFEC with the greatest economic, reliability, or strategic benefits.
Any storage component (MW) of an offer can be made, but 4 hour storage components are preferred. The optimal storage to be co-located will depend on items like the expected output of the main resource, and the overall economic, reliability, or strategic benefits. Include your reasoning for your choice of size of co-located storage.
Preference will be given to proposals that provide WFEC with the greatest economic, reliability, or strategic benefits. The RFP includes specific preferred and minimum terms for specific power supply resource types.
Grid charging is acceptable and expected when it presents the optimal opportunity for WFEC. Storage resources should not include any costs of charging energy or revenue from discharging energy in their offer.
This would be discussed in contract negotiations with shortlisted bidders. WFEC prefers terms that provide the most protection for WFEC.
There is no template other than what is provided in the RFP and the appendices. During the Execution of Power Supply Agreements phase of this RFP a Non-Disclosure Agreement and a Draft Purchase Power Agreement and other agreements may be discussed.
Yes. Please submit separate forms for each individual project and each design. Indicate if projects are mutually exclusive with other offers.
Evaluation criteria will be based on the greatest economic, reliability, or strategic benefits. Any additional evaluation criteria will be confidential.
If shortlisted, bidders will be asked to showcase financial stability and creditworthiness.
This would be discussed in contract negotiations with shortlisted bidders. WFEC prefers terms that provide the most protection for WFEC.
Preference will be given to proposals that provide WFEC with the greatest economic, reliability, or strategic benefits. Any additional evaluation criteria will be confidential.
While our evaluations may include scenarios related to ELCC calculations those evaluation criteria are confidential.
While our evaluations may include scenarios related to ELCC calculations those evaluation criteria are confidential. Please provide nameplate capacity, ELCC calculation, and output profile (8760 or 12×24). Also, please indicate whether volume is firm or will vary with ELCC changes.
The scoring criteria for this RFP is confidential. The evaluation material can be found in section 3.2 of the RFP document.
WFEC sees resources located in New Mexico as being better able to meet the State’s current Renewable Portfolio Standard and possible future changes to that Standard.
Bidders can provide information on interconnection plans, there is not a specific threshold requirement.
Yes. Please submit separate forms for each individual project and each design.
Yes. Please submit separate forms for each individual project and each design.
Grid charging/discharging is expected to be optimized for WFEC. Storage resources should not include any costs of charging energy or revenue from discharging energy in their offer.
Preference will be given to proposals that provide WFEC with the greatest economic, reliability, or strategic benefits. Contract start date extended to be prior to June 1, 2029.
The scoring criteria for this RFP is confidential. The evaluation material can be found in section 3.2 of the RFP document.
No. WFEC is willing to provide a confidentiality agreement for respondents review if necessary.
On-peak – (HE 7-22, Monday – Friday) , Wrap – (HE1-7 + HE 23-24 Monday-Friday, All Hours Saturday and Sunday and NERC Holidays), 7×16 – (HE7-22 all days), 7×24 – (HE1-24 all days), 7×8 – (HE1-6 and HE23-24 all days)
Contracts of the preferred terms would be favored over contracts of longer terms, if all other offer terms were equivalent.
Yes. Additional battery duration may be favorable.
Grid charging is acceptable and expected when it presents the optimal opportunity for WFEC. Storage resources should not include any costs of charging energy or revenue from discharging energy in their offer.
Respondents are responsible for managing their own COD and should reflect an accurate expected COD in their offers. We will now accept a contract date prior to June 1, 2029 (as opposed to June 1, 2028).
Please review the New ERA grant information and include in your Bid how you believe that your proposal will qualify for New ERA grants. Do not include possible New ERA grant benefits in your Bid financial calculations.
The preference is for SPP Firm Capacity proposals which start on June 1, 2025. In the absence of acceptable proposals, WFEC may elect to evaluate SPP Firm Capacity proposals with contract start dates other than June 1, 2025.
Your bid will be considered if you submit the Notice of Intent to Provide Proposal now.
No. WFEC is willing to provide a confidentiality agreement for respondents review if necessary. WFEC usually insists on the NDA using Oklahoma Law. If the project is in New Mexico then New Mexico law can be OK.
Not at this time. Delivery preferences are stated in the RFP.
POD’s that enable easy firm transmission connection to WFEC load are preferred.
Not at this time. Delivery preferences are stated in the RFP.
Unfortunately, for the purposes of this RFP, capacity and block energy proposals will be evaluated independently and may not be combined. However, Individual proposals that work well together will have a higher chance of selection.