ACES’ registration as a Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) was approved by the National Futures Association on June 1, 2015. A CTA is an individual or organization that, for compensation or profit, advises others as to the value or advisability of buying or selling futures, options on futures, or swaps and provides advice based on knowledge of, or tailored to, a client’s particular commodity interest account, commodity interest trading activity, or other similar types of information.
ACES began the CTA registration process in January 2015, submitting applications for over 80 employees and Directors. In addition to submitting applications, certain employees completed the National Commodity Futures Exam, or Series 3, and in some cases the National Branch Manager Exam, or Series 30.
ACES CEO Mike Steffes commented, “Obtaining this level of certification is another milestone for ACES. We think it is important to be a CTA, and believe that it further illustrates our commitment to service excellence for our Members and Customers.”