RFP Documents

East Kentucky Power Cooperative 2024 Request for Proposal

PJM Energy and Capacity Resources

Appendix A - Notice of Intent to Bid

Appendix B

Evaluation Form for Resources

East Kentucky Power Cooperative RFP Schedule 

Posting Date

June 4, 2024
Notice of Intent to Provide Proposal DeadlineJune 14, 2024
Final Date for Question SubmittalJune 21, 2024
Bid Proposals DueJune 28, 2024
Short – List NotificationJuly 12, 2024
Complete Negotiation of Final ContractAugust 2, 2024

Questions and Responses

Responses to all relevant questions submitted will be provided below.
Click Here to Ask a Question!

Relevant questions and responses related to the East Kentucky Power Cooperative 2024 Request for Proposal for PJM Energy and Capacity Resources will be posted on this page. 

Yes, as long as they are relevant to the RFP.

Responses to questions will be provided as soon as practical. Response times will vary depending upon the complexity of the question.

RECs do not have to be Green-e certified.

No, proposals must include power and capacity.

The 80% capacity requirement was derived by approximating it to the PJM effective load carrying capability (ELCC) class rating for a natural gas combined cycle. The 80% requirement is an approximate benchmark, and, as long as the resource(s) would be close to the ELCC, EKPC will accept the RFP response and consider the offer.

Yes, EKPC will consider proposals with an index-based combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) energy option (heat rate + natural gas index) with firm capacity from a portfolio that may not be from the same asset as the energy.